Wednesday, November 24, 2010

happy thanks giving

happy thanks giving to all who follow my blog. I had a wonderful thanks giving gift today ha ha not. the GI ordered more blood work when i went in so i went to have that drawn at my primary docs office and low and behold it was five tubes. The lady even sat and told me the colors lol two yellow two red and one purple cap. I had my CMP CBC Viotamin D thyroid stim hormone and a sed rate drawn. so needless to say it was not a bad blood draw things went smoothly but not my favorite thing to do just before thanksgiving.
I am not feeling too wwell again today I am cramping badly and very naseuated. i am hoping this round it may just be a 24 hour bug cause mom just got over something this past weekend. I dont want to go for another three months in pain. I do however intend to enjoy the time iwth my family as much as will be allowed with my not feeling well.
my bladder pain is being very annoying right now as well. between my stomach and bladder today has not been a very quiet day lol. i did manage to cook the pumpkin pie earlier and make it to my appointment so i think I can call it a productice day

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I hope you are feeling better so you can truly enjoy the day with your family.
