Friday, November 5, 2010

feeling stir crazy and nervous about a few things

I am still not feeling 100 percent but I am feeling better at times than I have in well over three months. I am hoping with lots of suport from people and friends and most importantly hopefully help from docs to figure this out I will be on the road to recovery sooner rather than later. I know that in order to get the suport i need I have to ask for it but maybe now ill be more comfortable asking for it I hoope.
I have gotten five get well cards from one of my friends and his famil. I definately feel the love and suport from his family and most of mine as well. I just miss not being uptight about earing. I am wondering if in the begining it was a virus and now it is causeing my GI tract to be in a flare of My previous IBS and I am just having a really hard time getting hold of it. I have not had a flare in a long time and never one like this one.
I am really kind of nercous about seeing my new primary doctor on the 10th I am scared that she will react to me as my other PCP did. I pray she does not because i rreally need suport. My other PCP was under the strict idea that I have had abdominal issues for so long that i needed to learn to deal with them on my own. I agree on the part of learning to manage them but also need a suport system to help with that. I have my family but none of them have the issues with the bowels like I do so there is no one really who can help me to change my dietary habits in the ways that need to be domne and i am starting to get the idea but its still too much for me right now.
There are a few things i have found I can not tollerate much
and apples raw I can eat them booked but the raw seems to be a lottle much to digest right now.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing all the right things - researching, changing doctors and figuring out your triggers. I'm sure that all this will pay off and you'll be feeling like yourself again soon. Hang in there and know that I am supporting you from afar!
