Sunday, November 7, 2010


I am getting so frustrated. Ther is so much I am doing to try and get through this and it feels like i am not getting any where. I have found i can not eat caffine and onions. I can not eat apples now with the peels on them. i dont know if i can do them without the peel raw but i can eat them cooked in apple crisp and stuff so I supose ill e experimenting with apples and cooking here soon lol. cooked apples seem not to upset too much. I am just getting tired of the constatn recurrent sy,ptoms. I am also frustrated because it comes and goes so often and each time it comes back I am in so much pain and so neasuated. I am about to run out of my reflux meds as well but thankfully it is close to the scheduled appointment with the new doc so I should be able to get right back to the schedule. I run out tomorrow and go in on wednesday . well I feel like I am complaining here.
Oh dont know if I posted this recently but my GI appointment is moved up to november 16th thankfully. It is with another doctor but I am hoping she can give me some information on this condition even though I have had it for a long time. i was diagnosed at the age of ten or so but it has been so long since i have had a bought like this one. I am just patiently waiting for my appointment and hoping that i get a couple more good days in here.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! I hope you get some answers at your appointment this week!
