Wednesday, November 10, 2010

first appointement with new doc went well

I had some anxiety about meeting the new doc but once i got to the point it went very well. I have her the updated info on the GI and now need to let the GYN know to send me results or send them directly to the primary so that they know what is going on with me. she was really good about just listening. i was actually able to carry on a conversation with her so that is a plus. Most of the conversations with the other were just her offering opinion and thats about it. Her reaction to my being having IBS she basically said that I have symptoms taht can not be placed any where else and that IBS is really hard to deal with but guess what she did not tell me I needed to learn to deal with it all on my own so that was a huge plus too.
I am now currently having a toothache so back to the dentist i go in the morning bright and early. Not really wanting to go but it is needed. I have been taking 800 mg ibuprophen every four hours when it is suposed to be sic to eight hours. I am so tired of feeling pain its so hard to deal with

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you have a toothache but glad to hear the appointment went well. What is her plan to get you feeling better?
