Monday, December 6, 2010

um happy one year and few day annaversary

yeah I am a little frustrated right now i had a good day for the most part yesterday spent with a little six year old girl whom I have been watching since she was ten days old we had fun until the last three hours of my visit then I started getting pain in my left side again and soem dark bleeding so now I am sitting home today on the couch for the most part trying to get the pain and discomfort under control. What a wonderful gift just before my birthday this will be the second birthday in a row that I have spent in pain unless of cours god gives me a mericle and stops the pain before tomorrow I dont know if he will but I can hope right Boy I miss my pre endo and Pre IC days this process of on and off pain is begining to drive me insane.
I did have a good birthday dinner sunday night and a really good cake despete my pain I ate and then had cake and ice cream and enjoyed time with my mom dad sister neice and nephew oh yeah and my aunt almost forgot she was here because she isnt usually at my house after five in the afternoon lol
My cake was called a lady finger cake it was vinilla cake with another cake similar to angel food stuck to the outside with frosting and it had strawberries in the middle of it yummy tasted mych like a big strawberry short cake and i had vinilla ice cream as i am trying hard to saty away from chocolate but boy i am reminded every time I slip up like this morning mom was like you are going to eat faith's chocolate ice cream well yeah i did and yeah i regret it but it is so hard I have been trying and right now is the worst time to make diet modifications the holidays omg. i have been doing really well with staying away from soda though yet another IC and IBS trigger food I guess it can only be done one thing at a time right. Chocolate is probably the most difficult one for me once I beat the chocolate down it will be easy from there lol

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're in pain again. Happy Birthday, I hope you get to enjoy your special day!
