Tuesday, December 21, 2010

dear al of my medical conditions

You all sometimes manage to make life very difficult for me in one way or another. right now my dear endometriosis you are causing me pain in my belly and to my wonderful friend IC i know you are still here vause my bladder burns each and every time i go to the bathroom. My friend of Cerebral palsy I cant forget you either you make it so easy for my sweet and energetic puppy to knock me down. My visual issues you bug me more than you know you take away the most of my independance i cant go anywhere on my own unless of course i walk.And now to teh protien that was in my urine the other day I hope that you are not here for the long term and you just came for a very scarry visit I dont want to end up with kidney issues so if at al possible you can go away please do it very soon. That is one of my christmas wishes that the test results come back as only slightly elevated levels so it can reslove on its own. If that were all I got for christmas I would be so happy honestly no present in teh world is better.
I want to enjoy time with my family and not have to worry about my health. I am not really worried about the other issues as it states above they are just a part of my life that makes it much more of a chalange but this kidney thing is really scarring the crap out of me. I may be odd writting a letter to all of my medical issues but it has made me feel better. I want others to know how this medically complex life affects me so maybe some day others can understand how to offer more help and suport to others in my situation.
I am going to have a great christmas weather or not I have pain discomfort or any other possible bad symptom you medical issues will not succeed at taking my happiness away I may get down sometimes and have to figure out soemthing to bring my spirits up but you can only knock me down for so long and then i will return to fight again with all of my remewed strength you will never keep me down. A letter from the person inside the body that you bug each and every day remember you are a part of me you are not me and you will never take me away i am a fighter and that is how i like it sometimes i wish things were easier but you know what that will not happen so i have to keep my fight alive forever. oh andyes i can say thank you for the one good thing of all of this medical issues. I have met some very caring people and i have become a stronger more understanding peroson because of all of you dreaded medical issues.
You may ask how i have become a more understanding person well first off I know what it feels like to have pain most days of my life so I can understand others when they do not feel well. I know what it is like to be teased so I really know how to follow do onto others as you want done onto you. also another way I have become a stronger person and also avery helpful or i hope a very helpful person is through sharing my story and good and bad tiems with others. Well i hope all of my followers can truly understand this letter to my medical issues and also i hope you all are able to have a merry christmas I know i am going to no matter what i am going to enjoy everything I can and not dwell on the negative of medical issues if i have a down while i will go into my quiet thinking mode and deal with it maybe a few time outs but those are Ok for me and right now to me it dies not matter what others think I need to take care of myself along with making others satisfied and if that means a few upset people well I hope they can understand that i still will be here in the future to spend more time with them I love my family dearly and even though i get angry soemtimes with certain aspects it does not mean i love you guys any less

1 comment:

  1. kind of turned into a small letter to my family as well but that sometimes happens lol hope all of you have a wonderful christmas i have had a few down days but now i am back to fighting to be my happy self again
