Sunday, December 19, 2010

had a good day

Well despite pain i had a really good day yesterday. despite pain and discomfort i made myself go over to a firends house because they wanted to have me over for my birthday and christmas all together. I had not seen them in almost three months or more again because they have been really busy and i of course following tradition for the past two years have not felt well. i was really nervous about leaving home because of the pain but all in all it went well.
I got a nice new blue sweater and a christmas candle holder and a couple of other thngs from them feel kind of bad though because i usually bring something for them because they said that they would rather have something baked or made for them rather than me bying but i have not really been up to doing much so hoping next time i can make them some banana bread a little late but that does not matter right it is the thoght that counts. i don't want to jynx myself but i am starting to feel better after getting a dose of pain meds in to me last night. i called the ob friday and she was very good to me i just needed a lil something to get me thorugh the end of the pain if i had not gotten it i dont think it would have been the end of it though it is hard to recover after three weeks of steady pain. i am going to the primary monday to ensure that i am not getting a Urinary infection because i have been getting stabbing sooting pains up there but guess what it could be the adhesion too so better safe than sorry lol
Oh yeah i forgot to post i made gingerbread cookies for the kids durring the weeend last week and they had fun i have pictures to post later i forgot to put them up but will as soon as i can

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a good day with your friends! It sounds like a very nice time.
