Sunday, September 26, 2010

liquid diet has begun for me

Well its sunday and today starts the liquid diet in prep for tuesday. Nothing to eat until after the proceedure. Normally it is one day before but with me they made it two because of my history of chronic constipation as they put it so it should be fun for me not lol. I went yesterday to purchase all the stuff i needed and also purchased my new glasses. they will be ready the ninth of october
It was an interesting time I walked tot he vision center of walmart and mom handed the perscription to the lady and she was like oh my god this is a hefty perscriptin who is it for and mom pointed to me and she was like you can see me. I told her yes and then she asked me what she looked like and i said she looked like her and than she asked me what her name was and i told her that I could see her but could not read the name tag. So she got everything together and told us the price of my glasses. quite expensive since insurance does not cover them. almost three hundred dollars because they have uv protection scratch resistant coating and transitons lenses. All of whih i need due to glare issues.
I tried on so many pair and most of them i did not like so i finally settled on a frame. I also have to have the polly lenses because they are the thinest lenses due to the fact that my perscription is so strong, not much else to report right now
I was really honestly shocked at the reaction of the vision center employee. I don't know any differently this is normal for me i guess my vision is pretty bad lol Oh well I can deal with it have for 24 years now


  1. Good luck with the procedure! The prep is the worst part but it's only one day. Don't feel bad, I have coke-bottle lenses in my glasses too. LOL! That's why I wear contacts as much as possible. My husband laughs at my thick lenses too!

  2. My prep no sollids was two days unfortunarely as for wearing contacts I can not because i have a pretty good case of nystagmus where my eyes move at random times so I have to stick to glasses lol
