Monday, May 14, 2012

preop clearance is good

i got teh go ahead for my achelies tendon surgery today from my primary doctor not so sure if this is a happy moment or not but i know for sure it is a scary one. Staying healthy for the next nine days so i can have this done and then the hard part of the road comes the recovery. I am pretty sure i can handle the pain but the eight weeks in bed Im just not one to lay low for that long oh boy the good news is though that once I am awake enough ill be able to update cause I am getting wirless internet yay for that i wont be totally bored haha not alot of gaming but at least ill be able to connect to some peopel thankfully and I have coloring and word puzzles to amuse myself with music and also my nintendo 3ds thank god for christmas

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh, I cannot imagine being in bed 8 weeks either. But, then again, I might enjoy that. I am so tired all the time. Seriously, you might have to take up so sort of video gaming or writing a novel or something like that. LOL! I would buy a copy of your book. I love movies, so that would be something I might do.

    I really pray for you and that this helps everything out so you can walk great again and without pain.

    I can totally understand your fears about doing surgery again. I don't ever understand some doctors and why they say such negative things.

    Hoping all goes well!
