Wednesday, March 21, 2012

surgery was a success

as you have probably seen I had a surgery recently it was for endometriosis and adhesions scar tissue caused by Endometriosis. Unfortunately one of the better treatments for endometriosis is surgery to either remore (excise) it or burn the endo off. Unfortunately when this treatment is done it is still not a definite cure there is no cure. We are stuck with this for life no going back. Some think that hysterectomy is a cure well no this isnt the case either people who have had full hysterectomy still can and alot do have recurrant endometriosis. this condition is a deep dark area or so much unknown.
I had surgery as I said above It was a diagnostic lap although I have already been diagnosed it is still called a diagnostic lap because if they do not state diagnostic than all they can do with those wonderful tools is look at my insides then close me and say yep its still in there but we cant remove anything because we don't have consent. So through my journey you will more than likely hear about more than one of these this one is my second and it is thus far deemed succesful for pain management. Is that to saay that it will reman that way no we do not know if it will or not I am living my life day by day and really loving each day that I wake with less pain and each night that I am finally able to sleep. I think I had nearly forgotten what that was.
so my surgery was march thirteenth and it was A tough day for me but I got through it i had to be at the hospital at 615 but actually arrived at 545 then was taken upstairs and very quickly brought back to preop. Which is great as i wasn't given too much time to contemplate what was going on. in that way what i mean is i was not given a huge opportunity to think about it I knew what was happening had been told on more than one occasion. so after a blood draw a numbing needle a failed iv we finally got a successful line established yep that is four polks not fun but minor compared to the pain that i had been in for so long.
Everyone came in and met with me gave me meds for neasua and then happy juice went back to the or and fell asleep talking to my sergeon about vacationing woke up two hours later feeling not so hot but really in fairly low amount of pain. Waited to wake up and talk to my surgeon also my wonderful gyn of course she is a keeper not changing her for anything. She told me that my left tube and ovary were removed successfully along with one patch of endo that had to be burned and that everything looked good right now does this mean I am cured no It means that the lupron that i took for six months did what it was supposed to and shrank the endo cells they are still in there even after being burned they recur. but i am now a week post op to the day and feeling great. Yes I lost a part that was near and dear to me as it is my woman hood and some days i struggle with that but the good news is I have another one that is or should be in full working order no endo on it at all thank you lord now not sure if i want kidos but I am still left with the ability to chose that if it is what i want.
feeling so much better now I have woken up with a pain level of 1 or 2 on a pain scale of ten from a nearly constant four to six It is still endometriosis awareness month and i still am going to try to get more info to all of my readers so please stay tuned and to any of my readers If you want something answered directly on the topic i am linked with face book please message your questions and i Will gladly answer them or leave them in a comment on a post I will respond my goal is to make others aware so that they do not suffer needlessly for ten years as i did before being diagnosed

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