Saturday, March 3, 2012

Endometriosis: A not so pretty rainbow

Keeping in line with my earlier blog posts on what endometriosis is, I thought it might be helpful to include a description of what many appearances endo can take within our bodies.

As this title states endo can come in different colors, shapes and sizes of cell patches. Size can range from very small implants which may not be visible without the use of a microscope to very large areas such as the cells that may clump to form an endometrioma. The colors of endo cells are listed below. Many doctors who are not trained in the varied appearances that endo can have, may miss these cells completely during a lap which can leave a woman in the same amount of pain as when she went in. There is some research that suggests that the small clear cells that can appear, often emit very strong substances that can cause intense pain and send the area into a state of spasm. Please be forewarned that some of the images are quite graphic in nature, however it does go to show that there is “something more” going on for us women with endo than just typical period pains.

Endo can be found in these colors:
The classic gun metal blue/gray spots
Raspberry spots with shaggy tissue
Flat or raised white areas
Clear blisters

If you take a look at the link below it will give you a picture of all of these colors. As I move closer to my next surgery date, which will be my second, I’m wondering what type of rainbow they will find within me. At my last lap, the doctor had mentioned that I had the “classic blue grey endo cells” and I have also had chocolate cysts on more than one occasion. Prior to my endo diagnosis I had developed a chocolate cyst on one of my ovaries which had ruptured, causing intense pain. When these cysts rupture there is a greater chance of them causing intense scarring and damage to the surrounding area. Unfortunately, unless the walls of the chocolate cyst are surgically removed from the ovary, the cyst had a greater chance of reforming over and over again. Over time, this could damage the functioning of the affected ovary.

What rainbow appearances of endo cells have you had show up? Does your doctor treat more than just the classic black powder burns that endo can create?

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