Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Feeling good again

Happy for that lol. I have been walking ecery day this week with Faith going to the river and dipping our feet in the water . Its tireing but good for me. I need to keep it up to get some weight off lol. Its not east but its needed to keep my hips in check don't need any more issues with them.
i need to get back into doing my physical therapy as well it is so hard to keep all this stuff going it is physically and mentally tiring.
And as for comments to my two fellow fololowers i have tried cranberry juice and it does not work for me for urine infections because i can not drink enough of it even diluted because of my reflux thye ar thinking it may be related to my endometriosis because my urine dips have been negative lately. It is something i can't say but is abreviated IC. SIt is a chronic inflamation of my bladder lining.
To sheila with the Merilax post, I have not tried it i take metamucil it is orange flavored and rotten on the reflux but it does work for the constipation. I have been takin g it twice a day every day since the issue and no more pain or issue so yep think im gonna keep going I have also been eating rasin bran yummy my favorite cereal why i did not remembe rthat I dont know lol


  1. Glad you are feeling better now. Take care.

  2. So glad you're feeling better! Now let's keep it going!

  3. I hope so i am tired of the ups and downs witht eh pain thanks to both of you for your well wishes
