Saturday, July 31, 2010

final post on yucky matter i hope

Well i told everyone that this blog is on my cp an oany other midical issues so this is a part of my life and i think manu others lives who are living with Cp. although the CP is not the only thing that contributes to the issue. i just got through my bout with endometriosis abdominal pain as well so that did not help but also having muscles that do not respond normally is not good either.
any how i finally got relief after six stool softeners a dose of metamucil and patience that was the hardest part. being so uncomfortable and just having to wait. i do not know how mayny read my blog faithfully besides sheila but i am putting this out for those who want to know about CP. I feel that this issue is getting worse as i get older and it is so difficult to daal with sometimes. i do not know for sheila how Malayna is in this department but mine has affected me my entire life it just so happens that this one was a really bad episode lol sorry for the long post on pooping but I hope it will bring answers to someone else out there

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! We DO know how frustrating this situation is. Malayna has had constipation problems since she was a year old. To this day she takes Miralax every other day to keep her going and even then it doesn't always work. Have you ever tried Miralax? It's tasteless and it really does work pretty well and can be dissolved in anything you drink. Good luck!
