Saturday, August 28, 2010

I am oficially taking my life back after the pain yay

I am now on the search for weekend babysitting jobs in my area. Im not having much luck yet but it has only been a few days since i posted it to my facebook so let's hope i can get some responses and I will begin advertising in other ways as well once I get the f;yers typed up. I am officially tired of beng in the house so glad for that feeling to be back again. i did not think it would be comming back any time soon lol.
I have to stay home durring the week because i have the obligation of taking care of my beautiful three year old niece while others in the family work. I love it so much but just need somethign outside of my home. I miss the outside world lol. Well that is my update for now gotta get going and find some motivating music to get some of this house work done lol have a good day all


  1. So glad to hear that you're feeling so good! I wish you lived in our area, I'd hire you to watch Malayna in a minute!

  2. Oh thanks i would take the job in a minute if i lived closer she is a doll thanks for the post I hope she gets back into the swing of things with P.T. I loved OT too it's much more fun lol you get to make things
