Thursday, July 28, 2011

going to the Docs monday

I have now been having knee pain for a week. I am at a loss for what is causing it. It is however on my left side which is more affected with the CP but I did not twist it or anything It is a burning pain and it is driving me crazy its not like the burning endometriosis pain isn't enough lol but again I will get through it. I just hope that my Primary doctor has some ideas on how to relieve the pain I've done heat and have been taking my mild pain meds which are helping some but I feel that she needs to be informed and that i need to get it checked out to ensure that my long road with CP is not causeing early aging to set in because from all information that have read aging in CP patients can start as early as thirties with arthritis and things and it is much more common in the more ambulatory patients. this research is still ongoing and i don't remember exactly where a read it but ya I'm kind of depressed to learn this ugh just another hurdle for all of us to overcome. I have had a lot of knee pain in the past but it has now been over a year so I am really not sure why it is happening now. This is really becoming exhausting.
On the endometriosis front things are not looking much different. I am hesitant to leave too far from home because of the pain.
On the bladder front with the IC it is bad because it Flares when my endo is being mean . I am really tired right now and have been going to bed really early because of it

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