Thursday, July 8, 2010

I need a break from it all

Well this week has not been good for me at all. i started having pain again from the endometriosis the end of last week and ended in the ER on wednesday to get some help getting it under control. Going to urgent care at the OB clinic monday for further assistance until i can get in to see my regular ob. This is not a happy tiem in my lofe i just started gaining so much freedom back Wothout the pain but basically as soon as the last lupron shot was in it was over with between the fifth and sixth i had some spotting and cramping but since the sixth one have had two bleeds and some unbearable pain at times. I just want my life back I am so tired of pain. I have told her that I do not want children but she refuses to remove my reproductive organs first off because of my age and secondly because one ovary is scared to my ureter. i feel that my age should not be a consideration I know I do not want children especially if it involves continuing to have this much pain for that possibility to come I know I would be a great mother and have already proved that I just want a pain free life again so I can enjoy my tiem rather than being depressed or on medication so I sleep all the time is that too much to ask for, I am just so frustrated right now.


  1. Oh Jenny, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this again. I really hope they do something to help you soon! Hang in there!

  2. thanks Sheila Ill update again monday been sleep most of the day again with benodryl and pain meds. have to take the benodryl cause they make me itch so it is really sedating
