Wednesday, June 23, 2010

some good news for me yay

Well my best freind is finally out of the hospital for the second time she got out and then went right back in again. That is good news for me . I have been really busy thos past week and yeah that makes things kind of interesting lol. I have been having a tough time following through with the PT as I knew this time would come. Not bored with them don't really know why but yeah here it si really gotta get back into them before i run into trouble again. other than that things are going good here been spending alot of tiem with the kids since it is summer break here yay gotta love it keeps me busy. How is malayna doing? she will be going back to school soon for summer program right? Hope she is enjoying her time off


  1. Hi Jenny! Sorry I haven't been around much lately, we've been really busy! I'm so glad your friend is home and I hope she continues to do well. Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well and hope that passes quickly! It stinks being a female sometimes! Malayna is doing well and enjoying her time off, although it seems we have plenty of things going on. She will be headed back to summer school on July 6th so I'm sure she'll be happy to be with other kids again. I'm going to be taking her to aquatherapy every Wednesday starting in July too. I think she'll like that because she loves the water. I hope it gives her a good therapy experience while allowing her some fun too!

  2. well the good news is a far cry from reality aain she has phnemonia again and is back in as of yesterday HELP ahhhhhh rolercoaster ride continues today has been just crazy finally have some time to relax though today was the last day of babysitting for me for a few weeks the kidos are going to summer cam they should have fun
