Monday, March 1, 2010

A post to my endometriosis friends

the Month of march is Endometriosis awarness month and even though not many people read this I wanted to post my suport of endometriosis to my blog. As everyone who reads my blog knows that I suffer from endometriosis myself. Because of this condition I have met many very carring people on the internet and most importantly My wonderful OBGYN Jenny. At first I was aprehensive of having her as a doctor because we both have the same name and in the begining it was confusing but that passsed and now she is an important part of my life.
She may not read this ever unless of course I remember to give her the link to my blog but She was different from moment one she believed me when I said that I had pain and from moment one the decisions were left up to me. I was not pressured into doing anything that i was not comfortable with and the surgery was done only with my complete understanding and my final say of yes. i do not regret this surgery or meeting Jenny at all now.
This may be a long post but i want others to understand what this chronic painful condition is like. there are alot of people ot there with Endo who are not diagnosed. I started having all of my issues from the first cycle and they just continued to get worse. I was always in extreme pain with cycles even on the pill. Then toward the end of my battle to get a diagnosis the pill stopped working all together. I was bleeding through basically the entire course of a month except the first week if I was lucky. then in August my primary decided a trip To An OB was warrented because the pain was so bad that I could barley walk. That is how the journey of the Diagnosis of endometriosis began for me.
I had multiple ultrasounds and other testing done to ensure that there was nothing else going on and as matter of fact I am still under the care of an endocrinologist as well. On december fourth i had My Diagnostic Lap done and was surprised to find that I had stage three endo. I do not think the doctor expected it either because she told my aunt and mom that for my age i was at an advanced stage of endo. As of January I started treatment with Depot lupron and the pain has greatly deminished. Although i stilll have bleeds which is uncommon but they last about a week and I will be waiting to figure out if i can finish the treatment or not. I will find out on march 12th weather or not that is possible. it took a long time for a diagnosis as my issues started at the age of thirteen and i was not diagnosed until the age of 23.
all in all i am very greatful for an answer even though the condition has no cure. It can be a very frustrating and difficult condition to deal with. it is very painful and in fact that is the number one symptom of the condition. That is my story of dealing with endometriosis in a nut shell thanks for taking the time to read
Here is a yellow ribbon for endometriosis awarness

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