Saturday, March 13, 2010

My day of appointments March 12th

today was not a good day at all. i went to the ObGYn to have my monthly injection of lupron. Again it was another nurse I have never met. she made me take another test yeah pregnancy that is. I was frustrated to say the least. I know for a fact I am not and intend on keeping it that way but supposedly it is the protocol for my lupron so who knows all I know is I will be glad when it is over with. so I got the injection any way and then the nurse finally realized that she needed to change my follow up with the OBGYn to an earlier date because i need to see her before i get any further injections. Needless to say I tried to explain this to them before had but they could not seem to get it lol why does that not surprise me so needless to say a fifteen minute appointment took an hour because as usual i could not pee on command but she was not taking no for an answer.
then after the appointment I had another appointment at three forty five to see my regular PCP. usually those tend to be interesting but this one was fairly easy thankfully. I do not need to go back until l my physical in June yay for that. Well provided I don't get sick between now and then lol that is most likely not possible for me but i am going to try my hardest. Other than that not much to report sorry for the long post just kind of frustrated over all but that's how it is I guess.


  1. Sorry to hear the appointment was such a hassle!!

  2. yeah me to it sucks oh well Its over with now lol
