Saturday, October 5, 2013

more physical therapy for me.

I just got a call from teh physical therapy center to schedule my pt Eval for my back. My doctor put me donw with a diagnosis of low back pain which I have but failed to tell them about all the medical conditions i have that could be contributing facotrs in my pain these being endometriosis pelvic floor dysfunction cerebral palsy and the IC. They wre going to set me up with a male pt until I listed out these conditions and told them I was not really comfortable having a guy and discussing these issues. they agreed and put me with a femal thankfully.
I am in a few suport groups for my endometriosis and I posted about being uncomfortable talking to a male about my issues and somone wrote a message back to me about how she is so tired of people being embarrassed about talking about endometriosis and todl me I should be telling everyone I meet basically about it. I was less than impressed and left a reply to thart message saying that I was refused treatment by a male pt due to these conditions and also rificuled by a pt in school telling me that my period was a normal part of life and that i was just tooo lazy to want to do my physical therapy. I said that I apologize for not wanting to be ridiculed or risk reliving anything like that. its awesome how soone who does not know the situation passes judgement. i do not pass judgement and only suport others with their choices even if I do not agree i may caution them with an experience that I had if I have tried the teatment however I remain positibe when doing so. sorry for writting about this here but maybe just maybe somone will get it I am lost and just needing to vent I go to these groups for suport thinking that they will understand and now just wind up feeling judged.


  1. Hey there sweetie, sorry about the back pain. I have it too. I have had trouble with my back since my early 20's, before I started lifted Emma. Now, it is rough at times. SO, I totally understand that. Gosh, I think it is pretty darn lousy that someone, especially another female would pass judgement on you like that over something so personal. I also don't feel comfortable talking to men about my personal female issue. Number one, I am just that way. Number two, how would a guy really know what girls go through with this stuff. I prefer female OB/GYN too for that reason. My parents raised me to be modest. While I have seen men doctors for my female health before, I appreciate it when a female doctor can say, "Oh gosh, I have terrible PMS too!" Hang in there.

  2. thankfully I have had a female GYN from the beginning I started seeing her when I was 23 and still see her today. I will not trade GYNS until I absolutely have to.
