Monday, July 9, 2012

still a very long journey

I know I have not been able to fill u all in totally on what has happened but I think its ok to let u know now. My dad has been in the hospital since june 30th he had a major stroke so it has been totally hectic here and very empty with dad not home with us. I am so afraid for him still he is doing better each day and was moved to a rehab facility today. Ok so here is a totally random weird thing he was moced today and i got paper work saying that i was going to the same pplace to see the person in the brace clinic there kind of ironic huh lol Please continue to keep the family and my dad in thought and prayers.
the visiting hours at ht erehab place are so weird that i think the only time ill be able to see him is saturday and unday now so im a bit upset and frustrated right now but he needs to get better for himself and us  I feel lost without my dad here thanks for keeping up with my blog and emma thanks for the posts and yes i still have a walker and will for a bit sweetie i still have not gotten the pics up But ill try my hardest


  1. Oh, Jenny! I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. It must be so hard on you and your Mom. I hope he continues to improve each day.

  2. I am sorry about your dad too. I will definitely add him to my prayers. Keep us posted. Big hugs. Hope you are feeling better.
