Wednesday, April 14, 2010

april is getting no better

O.K for all who have been following me through this wonderful journey not, I just recieved the call from my orthopedic today stating that the labs showed no explanation for my pain and a refusal to renew my medication. I asked his secretary if ther was not explanation for the pain than why was he refering me ofr surgery????? she sad that according to the labs ther was not an explanation. i do not give a S what the blood work says i know what i feel and i will figure this out if it takes getting a new doctor to do it. I have had thos one since I was sixteen months old and thought he understood but I am begining to wonder with the past almost year now and the things that have been going on well that is it on my end just needed to vent and update gotta go try and eat some dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! So sorry to hear this! I'd definitely be looking for a second opinion! Doctors can be so annoying sometimes!
