Tuesday, February 23, 2010

crazy week for sure

Well where to begin? Monday i got a call from the endocrinologist office saying that i need repeat blood work. i saw him on January 25 and am just hearing from them now. so I am going to get that done and to my orthopedic appointment tomorrow.

Today I had a dentist appointment and come to find out i did not have an abscess but I need a root canal because there was decay left under filling and now the root of the tooth has died and they want to keep the tooth in and not pull it because pulling it will most likely Make my TMJ symptoms worse.
I also got my impressions done today an interesting experience with gag reflux and tactile issues. I wanted so much to spit them out but had to stop and say they will just do it all over again. It was tough but i got through it. I was surprised because the dentist that i had noticed my spasms in my lower extremities and asked if I was ok because i was shaking. I had to keep telling him I was fine and tell him again that it was because of my CP. St least he is observant of all bodily language that is what those of us with conditions need. And to Sheila I will update again tomorrow as well I saw your comment I am praying that this appointment brings good news rather than more stress and doctors torture we shall see
Thanks for being an important part of my support system I look forward to your comments and updates on on miss malayna do you have a blog of your own? If you do feel free to post the url here and i will visit you

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenny, Good luck with all these appointments! It never seems to end for you, what a bummer! I do have a blog but it's a private blog so I'd need your e-mail address so I could send you an invite.
