Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another update

Well we thought i had an abcess but we were wrong. I have TMJ disorder. I am getting my shot tomorrow. I heard from the orthopedic secretary again and she said that boston was suposed to call me on the 26th of January and have still not called. this is getting frustrating and harder and harder to take the letdown of veing told it will be soon and then hearing they were suposed to call on the 26th and did not. I am afraid that by the time i get in there to have this done my modility will be really off and difficult to regain because of the CP and i am just really kind of afraid here.
I do not want another surgery but this is an ynavoidable one. I am afraid of the entire thing. I will be away from eceryone for some time and then the recovery will be six months or so. i just want it over with so I can begin the whole process and better yet I want to know if they are going to do it and insurance will cover it because if not another aproach is needed. I can not keep going like this forever it is painful and limiting my abilities more than the CP itself does. Well i am going to get going here and hope that malayna and Sheila are doing well. Miss hearing from you.


  1. Hi Jenny! I'm so sorry that you're getting such a run around! It's ridiculous! Malayna has been feeling under the weather again this week and now I have it so another lousy week here. Thankfully she didn't get anywhere near as sick as she did before and I hope she's fully back to herself soon.

  2. sorry to hear she is sick again and you as well. I hope things improve
