Friday, April 6, 2012

update mostly good news

i am finally able to use my recumbant bike as my followers know I have had it since christmas and have pretty much beeen unable to use it due to my adhesion pulling with movement. but that is finally gone yay have been using it for three days straight fifteen minutes at a time for me thats alot right now but it feels so good to be doing something that I know is going to help me in the long run. working towards getting my room situated to start doing my PT as well. I want to prevent another surgery at all costs if that is possible. i am not sure that it is because my ankle is really tight but I am going to work my butt off to try and loosen it as much as i can on my own wish me luck i dont want anymore body parts taken apart removed or cut into I am so all set with that one lol but also if that is what needs to be done to keep me movile than I will do it but my hope is that I can aboid it for a while
Oh and on the negative note yes i saved it for last cause I just want to be able to forget about it but I cant my bladder is not nice at all it is so sore right now. Sometimes i kind of wonder why on earth I was given all this stuff to deal with yet i am trying so hard to stay positive just trying to get through each thing as it is handed to me its a long tough battle but im hanging tight hope all my lil cp buddies are good out there hi malayna emma and brendan

1 comment:

  1. That's great that you're using your bike and getting set up for PT! Keep up the great work and I"m sure it will pay off! Happy Easter1
