Friday, April 27, 2012

trying to deal with all this change

this diet is a huge change so far though i have been sticking to it but its still tough I have not gone over 1000 mg of sodium and my daily value only needs to remain under 2000 so i guess I'm doing really well it takes so much effort to do this I have to read every label and choose everything wisely especially if i want a snack at night can u believe that four Graham cracker sheets have over 300 mg of sodium makes me not want to eat them much anymore I had four the other day they tasted good but then i was like I'm glad that did not go over my limit cause four sheets of Graham cracker isn't worth it when i can eat all the fresh fruit and veggies i want to and also have found that canned fruit is very low sodium as well. Bread is another kick to a low sodium diet good lord the bread that we are eating now has 170 mg of sodium in it and that is wheat I can not imagine what is in white bread they say wheat is so much better I'm not too fond of my kidneys right now as far as i know no loss of function but now i need to make sure that all medications I am taking are OK with nephrology Life just seems so very frustrating right now
i have my urology appointment Monday which i am dreading I want relief but that has been coming at quite a price for me lately. My ovary had to be removed to relieve my belly pain or some of it it still is not completely better and I am prepared for it to remain as it is but that is fine I can live with it. Now my ankle has been bothering me and its becoming difficult to walk what does that mean another surgery i am so afraid that when i go in to the urologist he is going to find some invasive thing he wants to do i have had two cystoscopies both of which i was asleep for please no more i don't want anymore torture i hope all of my fellow readers are doing well and my prayers are wit the Davidson family as they go through a tough time sending lots of love to u

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