Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Orthopedic over with not a happy camper

here goes surgery again joy. nurologist isnt seeing me because it is caused by a tight muscle and baclofen will not help it only helps with active spasms phsyatrist is also a no go so here goes surgery for tendon transfer achilies tendon lengthening it is scheduled for may 34th and i will be non weight bearing for eight weeks in bed for at least the first four the joys  I am not ready for this one  at all i feel like i am reliving my past over agian in my present not a good feeling  the doctor said that i owuld not need further surgery after the last one but look who was wtong again i dont know why they say things when they really do not know how our bodies are going to react we are not all the same we all have different outcomes with this but i was informed that if I do not have this surgery I will continue to tighten and lose my ability to walk so It is needed however not accepted yet as It was just scheduled this morning the scheduling person told me that I did not have to schedule it well if I dont schedule it now I wont lol so we did just that

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