Tuesday, April 10, 2012

no neurologist for me

I went to the orthopedic back in february and he refered me to a nurologist well called today because I had not heard anything from them well turns out they will not see me aparently there is some other type of person out there who is more epuiped to deal with theproblems of cp i have never heard of this type of physician before hum i have heard of many kidnd of leary on this one good thing i know I have an orthopedic sho is looking out for my best interest. the one response I had was ok however cp is neurological in nature the guys response well yes you are right but it is just as much a physical issue as it is nurological ya that is true just curious to find out or not so curious really to find out what im in for I do not like new experiences medically any how lol so that is the nurology update hopefully we will hear something bu the end of the week was the last words of my conversation with a very kind person at my orthopedic doc some how he always manages to get my calls lol

1 comment:

  1. Are they recommending a physiatrist? Malayna sees one and he is our favorite doctor and much more helpful than our neurologist. A physiatrist is a doctor of physical medicine. He prescribes Malayna's orthotic insert and watches her spinal curve, along with other things.
