Sunday, April 1, 2012

My endometriosis 31 day chalange

Day 1. For me, living with Endometriosis is:
For me living with endometriosis is many things Im not even sure where to begin it painful to live with its difficult to live with It is a very emotionally chalanging condition and id general it is one of the biggest chalanges I deal with every single day.

Day 2. I was diagnosed with Endometriosis in the year:
I was diagnosed with Enodmetriosis in 2009 on December the fourth which I remember to this day was a Friday

Day 3. But I had symptoms since:
I have had the symptoms of Endometriosis since I was thirteen or since about 1996

Day 4. The biggest adjustment I’ve had to make is:
learning to listen to my body and not pushing myself through the pain learning to accept the restrictions endo pain has put on my life and realizing that I can’t do everything I want to do anymore.

Most people assume:
I cant be in that much pain its just a painful period this isn’t true they also assume that I ammaking it up as well.

Day 6. These are the treatments I have tried so far:
Birth control pills
Surgery first for diagnosis in 2009 second in 2012 removal of tuve and ovary on left side along with burning endometriosis one patch and lisis of adhesions which means losening and removing adhesions scar tissue
2 rounds of lupron a medication that puts u into medical menopause
Provara oral to help regulate cycles
Uncaring vaginal birth control ring
Maraina coil inserted with most recent surgery

Day 7. The hardest part about mornings are:
Waking up feeling as though I have not slept because of pain
Knowing that most mornings I will wake in some pain

Day 8. My favorite medical TV show is: Anything on discovery fit and health

Day 9. A gadget I couldn’t live without is:
My rice hot pack
Electric heating pad
Body pillow
Soft blanket to put over my belly when I use my rice pack

Day 10. The hardest part about nights is: falling asleep and being alone in my room in pain

Day 11. Each day I take
For endo at least 2 ibuprophen a day
Calcium supplement to help bone strength
Prescription strength Tylenol as needed
Stronger pain meds at times have not been on them in a few weeks since surgery as the pain is bearable right now

Day 12. Regarding alternative treatments
Have not tried any

Day 13. If I had to choose between invisible illness or visible
I don’t need to chose I have both

Day 14. Regarding working and career:
Ha don’t have one due to multiple medcal conditions it sucks

Day 15. People would be surprised to know:
Not a day goes by that I don’t dislike my body for all the pain I am in

Day 16. The hardest thing to accept about my new reality has been:
Havin to accept my new pain and realizing it is a permanent change

Day 17. Something I never thought I could do with my illness that I did was:
Get through the major pain that it causes

Day 18. I feel that Endometriosis Awareness is:
Very important because so many people are uneducated some doctors have no idea what to do for an endometriosis patient

Day 19. Something I really miss doing since I was diagnosed is:
Being able to go for long walkis as physical activity in general increases my pain level

Day 20. It was really hard to have to give up:
At times my entire life and being able to do everything with my family

Day 21. A new hobby I have taken up since my diagnosis is:
Reading and researching endo and its treatments

Day 22. If I could have one day of feeling normal again I would:
Do all the things I used to be able to do

Day 23. Endometriosis has taught me:
I am stronger than I ever thought and that no matter what god gives me I can overcome it

Day 24. Want to know a secret?
Most people don’t know that some days even though I put a smile on I am not ok

Day 25. But I love it when people
Try to understand what I need and what is going on inside my body

Day 26. My favorite motto, scripture, quote that gets me through tough times is:
Never Give up
Live each day to the fullest
Enjoy ever opportunity and chance to feel joy no matter how small it seems

Day 27. When someone is diagnosed I’d like to tell them:
I am here to talk if they need support I can offer them an understanding ear and it is from someone who has endometriosis. And also it is ok to cry don’t elt people make you feel weak because u feel the need to cry you are strong

Day 28. Something that has surprised me about living with an illness is
How much endo can make you feel ill and it isn’t just during your cycle it is daily some times and how incredibly tired chronic pain can make somone

Day 29. The nicest thing someone did for me when I wasn’t feeling well was:
To give me a hug and tell me that I was strong and I had a doctor tell me that even though I was feeling weak and bad that I was a model patient because I didn’t get angry at her for what she could not control

Day 30. I’m involved with Endometriosis awareness month because:
I have endometriosis and we need awareness so many people have no idea that this condition affects millions of woman world wide. It is one of the top conditions that causes infertility.

Day 31. The fact that you read this list makes me feel:
Happy to know that someone out there is willing to take the time to learn about my striggles and it gives me hope that awareness is being spread even through unaffected people thanks for reading and learning about my long journey.

Oh and an added note to people the most hated thing any one can say to me when im living with endo is but you don’t look sick just because I don’t look sick doesn’t mean I don’t feel awful inside don’t assume by looks that a person is fine we know how to put on the happy face and pretend very well when we are not happy and pretending then it is one of the worse days

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