Saturday, December 14, 2013

so much going on so little time in life

I have been really in a downward place lately. I have been getting a lot of dreadful news. lately. I found out that I am not a candidate for any further treatment on my bladder. I can not have botox in the bladder because it will most liklely cause urinary retention resulting in me needing to catheterize myself for several days. I can not get the Inter Stim implanted because of my cerebral palsy the electrode placement would be extremely difficult for the urologist. My medication was increased to fifty milligrams to see if it will help a bit more. I am hoping that it brings some relief for me.

I also had a pain management appointment for an evaluation for trigger point injections which I was not evaluated for. They pain management ream reviewed my chart and decided that i was not a candidate for the injections either. I was never given an evaluation for anything. they doctors told me that there is nothing they can offer me so it is looking as though I am officially going to be a chronic pain patient until more treatments and trials for my conditions become available.

I have been trying to get new sneakers to put my braces in but that is proving difficult as well. My primary doctor has been trying so hard to get me the information I need for a prescription and also feels that i would be better off following up with my orthopedic who did the surgery on my foot since he knows the general round with orthopedic stuff. I spent yesterday getting in touch with him and discovered he is in Brunswick and he is seeing me in January. I have to have a Letter from my primary doctor stating that I need to see him for my health and if i do not see him it will be detrimental to my health. the reasoning for this is because it is over thirty miles to get there each way and maine care does not like to pay for long millage reimbursement trips if they can get away with it. My life has been a total chaotic mess lately.

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