Tuesday, February 28, 2012

update non endo related

I know that i have put a few pics up to dedicate my blog to endo awarness month and yes that is still the plan but my life isnt all endo that i deal with which everyone who reads knows well i had an ortohopedic appointmetn this morning and things didnt go so well. I have to have a build put on my left shoe to even out my leg length difference and then once that is done I also have to see the nurologist to see about geting on medication for the spasms. After the medication takes affect we are hoping that the meds will relax my muscles enough so that i can be braced because as oof now he can not position my foot in the position needed for braving he said it is very contracted which is not good i have very little range of motion in that ankle right now and he says that it needs bracing to strengthen it and if the bracing fails it will be surgery yucky trying to deal with one thing at a time and thursday will begin endo awarness month thank you to all my dedicated readers


  1. Sorry it didn't go so well. I hope all of these steps help you to get the range of motion back! Good luck!

  2. thanks sheila i feel like im starting from square one with this thanks to the doctor i had before this one telling me that my pain was not due to spasticity and that my foot was fine when i told him i was feeling very tight in it again. I guess ill be refreshed on what malayna and all the other lil ones go through again ugh not such fun. and i want to say to all my readers whose lil ones have CP don't let the doctors tell u what your child needs take the opinion and if you do not agree go get a second and third opinion. I was thinking endo had trumped the cp aspect but not so sure now and so afraid of losing full range of motion and being unable to walk just not a good month thus far and it is going to get better im not going to let it beat me eown if endo cant than neither can cp hugs to all my faithful readers
