Monday, November 22, 2010

a little on everything

Well the upside my stomach is feeling better. I have been using the philips and today started the colase. I feel so much better now I am not cramping anymore at this moment. As far as the IC goes I am taking the Elmiron but it could take up to six months to fully work. Right now the bladder is doing pretty good too. It has calmed down alot since the proceedure has been done. it took about threee days to calm down but it is doing well for the moment.
As far as the Cp aspect goes it is there lol. I am having some increased joint pain because of the cold and increased spasticity but I am hanging in there. I went out with the family yesterday for the first time isn a while. We dont really go out shopping and things unless it is around the holidays So I am glad i was feeling well enough to go. the only hard part is needing to know where the restrooms are because even though my bladder has calmed down i still have alot of freequency.
We are starting to decorate for christmas which is fun with the puppies not really lol. the have knocked some of them down already lol I have my nephew today so I will be busy and on my toes all day so i am taking the time while others are here to post this. I have a lab appointment for more blood work on wednesday and then I hope I will be set with docs until January.
I have a few things now with the Elmiron that i have to watch for but that is nothing new for me side effects are just a part of my life lol. i really have to watch for abnormal bruising though because the Elmiron can cause blood thining. I dont understand how but I know it can because of the patient information packet so im going to be over bigilent for a few months lol. It is so hard for me to put mew medications into my body i hate it. Right now I feel like my life revolves around meds.
I take meds for my bowels in the morning and an elmiton then in between I take my usual daily meds for blood pressure depression and a few other things then at noon i take another Elmiron then at five anotehr one and then before bed my other medication for my bowels. it is so difficult but worth it if they help. I definatley know the bowel regiment of colase and philips are helping still skeptikel on the elmiron. That is the hardest of the meds to take I have to take it one hour before or two hours after a meal so it requires some planning

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that something is helping so you can enjoy the holiday season!
