Monday, November 30, 2009

people with disabilities

these are things that we have
it does not mean that they are bad
normal is something that most have never had

so our lives we must rearrange
We must learn to accommodate
sometimes we must compensate
because disabilities we can not change

They can sometimes be a pain
they can make you feel very lame
Most of all we realize we are not the same

Certain people use this to be mean
Our insides are left unseen
this does not mean that we can not beam

Feelings and thought we do have
just like every other human being
Even those with disabilities deserve
to be both seen and heard
we do not deserve to be treated like nerds
or to be friendless and kicked to the curb

we love lifer most of the time
Most of us say this life is mine
and through it all I will shine!!

This is a poem written for all of us with disabilities mentally and physically. this is how we deserve to be treated. some people treat us unfair;y and this is wrong. We know nothing different and for us this is normal.

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