Monday, November 30, 2009

My Mother my hero

My mother is my hero
always fighting with no fear
with broad shoulders to bear
every single wet tear

had it not been for her
telling me what i needed to hear
A chair i might wear

i was delayed
whenever i played
she never laid a label
she just shouted hooray

I was always told how i was brave and bold
Even though i did not fit the mold
I was her special baby to hold

my mother is my hero
for telling me to never fearo
never labeling me a zero
My mother is my hero

This poem is dedicated to my mom for everything she has done for me in the past 23 years. she was the one who always pushed me to reach my full potential. Mom i love you.


  1. Wow, this one sure brought tears to my eyes! Beautiful! You're Mom is lucky to have such an appreciative daughter!

  2. Thanks for the comment, I think she cried when she read it too. My mom is so special to me that no words can express it. If it was not for her i would not be here and she went through so much to ensure that i had as productive and full life as i can. I can never thank her enough.
