Day 2
Unexplained pain or pressure in the urethra, vagina, inside of thighs, or the area above the pubic bone. Pian can also be felt in the lower back and groin area.Pain durring or after sex
Freequent painful urination Normally people urinate between six and seven times aily but and IC paitent will urinate from fifteen to sixty times daily.
Ic patients usually wake one or more times per night to urinate
. having the urge to urinate even after emptying the bladder.
unresolved urinary tract symptoms that do not respond to antibiotic therapy
. symptoms come and go flare ups are comon and can occur in response to many factors examples include food' menstrual cycle' and stress.
Ic does not discriminate and affects men as well as woman here are the sumptoms for men
. Pain and or pressure in the penis, testes,scrotum,the area above the pubic bone the groin lower back and abdomen
. pain with ejaculation or a day after you ejaculate
freequent urination as above for females wake one or more times per night to urinate
Feel the urge yo urinate even after emptying your bladder.
symptoms come and go and do not respond to antibiotic therapy when treated for urinary tract infection.
I know that symptoms are nearly the same in womenn as men but I feel it is important to educate people that IC is not just a womans condition it does effect men although not a s freequently as females

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