Thursday, August 25, 2011

very frustrated right now

the cream is helping which is a good thing but now I am spotting on my birthcontrol which isnt really a good thing and i have been in pain now for nearly two straight weeks. I made an appointment to see an OB on monday i dont know who it is but something needs to be done to help me weither it be until october or whatever i dont know i just need it to go away for a while again. i have not wanted to get out of bed now for over a week and it is frustrating me and everyone around me who hate seeing me like this. I am not sure what is going to be done but we shall see if anything im not really getting my hopes up here at all. Very nervous and just wish my ob was back already i hate this well im going to go take my daily meds and rest since i feel horible i will update when i get back on monday provided the weather cooperates


  1. I am praying for you, sweetie!!

  2. thank you I need strength right now and knowing that I have people out there offering prayers helps. I may be going for another surgery sooner than later I have another apt on the 15th and will update on that as well hugs to u amd em
