Thursday, July 21, 2011

ugh i dont think this bought of pains going to calm down like it was before

Im still in alot of pain and have been trying not to take meds for it . I am not so sure i will make it until october any more. I am nervous on making an appointment though because I was not thins bad when my GYN left. I am struggling with the fact that it has come to being in this much pain in justthree months time it has been progressing isnce may I saw my GYN in june. I told her that i was having increased pain and stuff and she told me that if I have problems between to make an appointment but in other ways i dotn really see the ideal solution making an appointment with someone else since all they will be able to do is perscribe more meds and send me home im just confused. and unfortunately still in pain. I am wishing my ovary would just fall out and yes i know that is not gonna happen but i can wish right!!!!! I can tell everyone that this and IC are the worst ilnesses that i live with daily. ugh they are not easy and there is no way i am gong to uro until she is back from leave id make an appt woth the GYN clinic before risking seeing the first uro I had lol. Sorry this is just turning int a huge vent.
I feel really alone right now but I guess that is because I kind of am as no one in my family has IC or endometriosis they try to understand but just can't fully well i guess im going to go rest for a bit


  1. I'm so sorry you're suffering with so much pain. While I don't know what it's like to deal with your conditions, I do know how exhausting it is to be in pain for an extended period of time and it can really get you down. Try to keep your chin up and hang in there.

  2. I am sorry for your pain. I know it must be awful to have to keep dealing with it. I can only begin to imagine. I will be praying for you seriously. You are such an amazing person.
