Best news first my kidneys are fine no need for further treatment follow up in one year to make sure nothing has changed. what a huge relief.
I had my urologist appointmetn yesterday that was fairly interesting. i learned that they do not call my condition IC in the urology field or at least not in this office. um do i know what they do cal it nope lol she never did tell me so now i walk with a namless condition. i do not understand how two doctors both whom i respect highly can call this iC and then the doctor who specializes in the bladder says basically that IC is not a condtion.
Seh said that she does believe that my symptoms are real um yeah i hope so if not then let me find another provider. I am really confused. Seh is scheduling me for a cystoscopy or a proceedure to look intot he bladder on may tenth and then told me that if the results of that test were normal than she would recomend DSMOP treatment or another bladder instilation. Im not 100 percent sure why she is recomending these treatments if the cystoscope is normal but i guess ill find that one out if i decide to presue treatment I m not sure I might just as well deal witht he pain. i am not fully enlightning on my experience here but it wasnt one of my best for sure. so i am not sure i will be presuing treatment at this facility following the cystoscopy or just not having anything at all.
a description of living with cp through some of my personal experience. i wish i had started it earlier because it would have been much easier but my goal is to help other understand the difficulties of having CP and how it can make you feel
Friday, March 25, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
interesting day today
yes I am double posting today lol but it is because i had an interesting experience wehn i went to hannaford pharmacy to get my medication today nothing new just kbuprophen lol. i was talking to teh pharmacy tech and i told her that i was sore from having an mri yesterday because when i bent to sign my name i said ouch so she asked why i was sore. then she asked me if i had it where she was at. i told her i went to Maine medical and asked her where she worked and she told me maine nerology well that explains why i recognized her she gave me my MRI when i went there for my official diagnosis of cerebtal palsy wow its a small world.
MRI is a success
i had my mRI yesterday and it went really well actually. the tech only had to retake one set of imagesbecause of my spasms. that is really good for me . i dont have any resulst yet but everything went well as far as teh scan portion is concerned. I slept most of teh day after the scan because of the premed. it worked in the scanner to keep my anxiety down but as far as sleeping durring it no way. i got to listen to music during my scan and then came home and the ru;;effect of teh med hit oh well i got some much needed sleep too so it was a pretty good day overall minus the injection of dye they had to give me. Good thing I asked first before they got me into the scanner I would not have been a happy camper to find out durring the test lolwell im a bit sore from laying still for so long yesterday so im going to relax a bit in a comfortable spot.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
MrI anxiety setting in
i posted a few days ago about my mri but now its really starting to hit homw. i don't want to have another one done. this will be my third. My first was ordered by the nurologist to concirm the dx of cerebral palsy 100 percent the second was on my hip and now another one on my head ugh. i got pre med for the mri thank god or i would not be going in there. I hate them so much ther is so much going on with me right nowand so much to think about its rreallly stressful. i hace to see the urologist on thursday the 24th and the kidney specialist on the 25 and all of this has to occcur when my counsoler is out on medical leave. i guess the saying when it rains it poors is so true. i feel like i am complaining a bit much on her tonight lol. i am just kind of frustrated and feeling like I am losing the batle of medical stuff again..
Um i have not had too many adventures outside of the house recently because i am trying to eep my bladder calm for the next week full of appointmetns riding in the car makes it hurt alot. But i am still trying hard to remain upbeat.i have been spending alot of my free time cleaning and playing games on the computer to keep my mind occupied thats pretty hard llol. i feel like i am not going to get a break at all. teh past three years everything has just continuously piled up on me medically but i guess that is life for me and has been for some time maybe i should be used to it i dont know im pretty confused here .
Um i have not had too many adventures outside of the house recently because i am trying to eep my bladder calm for the next week full of appointmetns riding in the car makes it hurt alot. But i am still trying hard to remain upbeat.i have been spending alot of my free time cleaning and playing games on the computer to keep my mind occupied thats pretty hard llol. i feel like i am not going to get a break at all. teh past three years everything has just continuously piled up on me medically but i guess that is life for me and has been for some time maybe i should be used to it i dont know im pretty confused here .
Friday, March 11, 2011
not a good morning for me
Ok its almost ten o clock right now well guess what i have already gotten a phone call telling me i have an MRI on the 18th of my putuitary gland because of my high prolactin levels. Its kind of weird i had to call the doc in order to get the info on what the next step is yet the MRI he wants done is scheduled within the week. I dont understand how doctors work. Dont review things but once they do they just go ahead and schedule the appointmetn with no contact prior so I have to go with it. not that i would not have gotten the mRI but a little coordination to make sure i had enough time to find transportation would have been good and this doctor knows i have transportation needs just a little frustrated here thats all. and nercous on what may be found but im going to try my best not to think about that one.
Thursday, March 10, 2011

this is a picture of me holding the poster that i made for the endo the pain campaign. this picture is posted on the facebook site that i shared in previous post as well as my story of my endo battle. my story is only on the facebook page but the pic is on both i hope that someone reaidng my blog will take the time to read my story so they can help others they know with endo
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Check out these sites for endo
My story is on facebook site and my picture will be on
there are alot of pictures here of those of us who suffer from endometriosis. There are other stories of endo pain on the facebook page as well i hope that you will take the time to look at these sites they also offer a descriotion of endo and links to endo specialists for those in need thanks again
they were created by a wonderful youn woman named Ashley thanks ashley for bringing this attention to endo it is much needed.
My story is on facebook site and my picture will be on
there are alot of pictures here of those of us who suffer from endometriosis. There are other stories of endo pain on the facebook page as well i hope that you will take the time to look at these sites they also offer a descriotion of endo and links to endo specialists for those in need thanks again
they were created by a wonderful youn woman named Ashley thanks ashley for bringing this attention to endo it is much needed.
ok just found out something i did not know this is not a good feeling lol this month is Cp awarness month and i did not know it. It is also Endometriosis awarness month so i will be posting a pic for that here as well as one for CP very soon we need to raise awarness of them somehow and if i can make one person realize how they affect the lives of theose that have them i consider myself a success.
i may not be able to work full time but i am rtying very hard to put out information on all of the chronic conditions tha i live with it is my goall in life to spread awarness any way that I can
i may not be able to work full time but i am rtying very hard to put out information on all of the chronic conditions tha i live with it is my goall in life to spread awarness any way that I can
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
found out why my bladder has been hurting so bad
Not that it does not always bother me alot of the time but i am being treated for a UTI because my urine showed the markers for infection. the doctor said that she has seen worse but she felt taht it was best to treat because there were quite a bit in there. I am on Cipro now until firday yuck lol but glad it might make things better for a bit lol
Friday, March 4, 2011
OMG so frustreated today
Today has been such a long day. my bladder is hurting pretty bad ok really bad. i have been using the bathroom every hour or two. it is driving me cyazy. Patiently waiting for the 24th yet still dreading it lol. i scheduled an appointment with My PCP today for monday to make sure it is not an infection just so I can be at ease. it scares me becaue of the possible kidney issues right now. i know he said that there was no effect on my function now but im not going to chance any damage to possibly already damaged organs sounds like no fun to me lol
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
ok so the good news is i had a really good day today
i got to feel well enough to get dressed this morning yay for that yeah sometimes i just stay in PJ's alot. i dont usually admit taht to most but i am begining to see that it is a part of my life and if i want others to know what it can be like to live with maby chronic medical conditions i guess i need to share some of those deails too. its ok to stay in PJ's if you are uncomfortable it took me a long time to accept that until recently i forced myself to get dressed every morning.
So anyhow i was sitting around chilling out and my niece asked me if i was going to walmart with them. meaning her and my aunt the funny thing is i didnt have a clue they were going so i was like i dont think you are going and she was like yes we are so i did end up going.
i got something for the soon to be adition to a friends family a little baby girl and i got printer ink at staples which luckily is not far from walmart then we went to the pet store which is also right there near staples.
i had alot of fun but boy im tired now and feeling pain. i will probably end up with a flare of bladder pain now for a few days which will be a god view for the urologist to see any how.
i have been keeping a diary of my symptoms and number of times i have been urinating to show her when i go in so she can see my freequency and pain on paper so she can get an idea of how severe my symptoms are. A flare is good for them to see. no that was not my goal but when i am up and about alot they tend to happen.
When we were at walmart i saw my favorite bus driver of all time dont ride with her anymore but have not seen her since christmas it was awsome so i had a great day all around.
i have not posted about mom much lately but i have been wishing she would get better for a while now she has been struggling with asthmatic vronchitis and now something with her belly not sure f it is viral or apendacitis waiting to hear on that one i will defiantely post when i know more
So anyhow i was sitting around chilling out and my niece asked me if i was going to walmart with them. meaning her and my aunt the funny thing is i didnt have a clue they were going so i was like i dont think you are going and she was like yes we are so i did end up going.
i got something for the soon to be adition to a friends family a little baby girl and i got printer ink at staples which luckily is not far from walmart then we went to the pet store which is also right there near staples.
i had alot of fun but boy im tired now and feeling pain. i will probably end up with a flare of bladder pain now for a few days which will be a god view for the urologist to see any how.
i have been keeping a diary of my symptoms and number of times i have been urinating to show her when i go in so she can see my freequency and pain on paper so she can get an idea of how severe my symptoms are. A flare is good for them to see. no that was not my goal but when i am up and about alot they tend to happen.
When we were at walmart i saw my favorite bus driver of all time dont ride with her anymore but have not seen her since christmas it was awsome so i had a great day all around.
i have not posted about mom much lately but i have been wishing she would get better for a while now she has been struggling with asthmatic vronchitis and now something with her belly not sure f it is viral or apendacitis waiting to hear on that one i will defiantely post when i know more
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
the quiet hass ended for me lol
i have been posting here freequently again lol well this one is to let you all know that i have gotten my urology appointment for my IC it is march 24th i will fill you all in after my appointment
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